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Monday, May 3, 2010

Multitude Monday

61.  Questions...yes, questions!  I am thankful that my little guys are excited and curious about God's creation and ask many, many questions.  It keeps me on my toes...and humbles me because I realize just how much I don't know!

62.  Hugs...I sure need them!

63.  Attending revival with my niece and her was wonderful!

64.  Another year...I sure don't get as excited about my birthday like I used to...But I know that I am blessed beyond measure.

65.  The thoughtfulness of my all are so precious to me.

66.  Beautiful music...Life Action Ministries provided the music at the revival and it was wonderful!

67.  Books, in particular this week: What is a Family, by Edith Schaeffer.
What is a Family?

68.  Smiles...they lift my spirits!

69.  The differences in my would be so boring if they were all the same!!  And Lord, please remind me of this during the week.

70.  Date night with a dinner playhouse...oh, so appreciated!


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