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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Is it Monday Already?

I must admit that after a week of travel and a little slower pace... Monday seemed to be screaming in my ear!!  Packing to go on a trip is so much easier than putting everything back into its proper place upon the return home!!  It felt so good to be reunited as a family that the task at hand became less overwhelming. 

We enjoyed Bible study as we sipped coffee, juice, or milk.  It was a crisp morning and a nature walk was the next order of the day.  The boys were excited to see the nearby creek flowing rather quickly and then our dogs jumping in for a swim.  They picked up rocks and sticks and anything that was of interest as we started the hike back up the winding road.

One is given many chances to be a man; one can be a boy but once.
                                                                                Emery Pottle

What we have a right to expect of the American boy is that he shall turn out to be a good American man.  The
boy can best become a good man by being a good boy-----not a goody-goody boy, but just a plain good boy..."Good," in the largest sense, should include whatever is fine, straightforward, clean, and manly.
                                                                                                                      Theodore Roosevelt


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