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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Fall in the Smoky Mountains

Paul and I are taking a trip together for some much needed alone time.  We usually spend a weekend away on our anniversary but this trip will be for the entire week!!  Paul's business is very demanding so we knew that we would have to be out of driving range in order to  relax!!  I am so thankful for this man who has been so faithful and so true.  His very presence brings me strength and peace.  I love just being with him.  So here we are spending time together as a couple and seeking the Lord's direction for our marriage, our family, and our future.

As I stepped out on the balcony of our condo(I tried not to say porch!) my eyes beheld a majestic sight...the beautiful Smoky Mountains!  My mind was racing and these words filled my heart... My God is an awesome God...He reigns, He reigns!


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