We watched an informative video of the siege and then proceeded outside to the canon demonstration. The guide was very informative and several men and boys from the community participated.
Next was the 16-mile tour road which contains 1,330 monuments and markers and a National Cemetery.
The Shirley House, or the white house as union soldiers called it, is the only surviving wartime structure in the park. It served as headquarters for the 45th Illinois Infantry. 
The Illinois Memorial
The Cairo, a Union Ironclad, was struck by a torpedo detonated by volunteers and sunk in 12 minutes with no casualties.
Vicksburg National Cemetery...17,000 (13,000 are unknown) Union soldiers are buried here.
It was a very sobering drive through the cemetery...
Later we enjoyed sunset at the Vicksburg Riverfront Murals...
A wonderful day...spent with the one my soul loves!